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Adventureland Information

Adventureland is a new park for Staffordshire, opening in early spring 2011.

The park offers a variety of themes for a wide range of visitors. The park has been divided into three distinct areas to cater for three age groups.

Eggland is for the under 5's

Mini Adventure is for ages 5-10

Giant Adventure is for ages 11 and above.

The park sports a large swimming pool complex for all ages complete with rides specifically designed for each age group. The pool is both heated and is also flood-lit for evening use.

The park also sports its own monorail that completely encompasses the park with stations strategically positioned at all key point in the park

As the park is still being developed the rides on this site are currently mock-ups. As the rides are built and inspected each part of the park will be updated with actual pictures and videos.

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Web site designed and built by Sean Tang, Colin Williams, Matthew Wilshaw