
The Buffalo Roundabout in Eggland
The Buffalo Roundabout in Eggland
The Dinosaur-go-Round in Eggland
Eggland - an aerial view and all the rides
The Floundering Ferry in Eggland
The Flying Saucers in Eggland
The Giant Slide in Eggland
The House of Fun in Eggland
The Merry-go-Round in Eggland
The Motion Simulator in Eggland
The Odyssey ride in Eggland
The Peanut Butter Cup ride in Eggland
The Snake Helter Skelter in Eggland
The Tea Cups ride in Eggland
The Trampoline in Eggland

Eggland has been built with ultra safety in mind. This section of the park is designed for our youngest visitors so safety is first up in our minds. Adventureland prides itself on safety in all areas of the park and Eggland is no exception. Every ride in Eggland is designed for the younger visitors. We do ask that parents do not leave their children unattended and each parent must make the decision which rides are suitable for their particular child. There are some rides in Eggland for the older visitors in this age group and other rides that require your child to be accompanied by an adult. Obviously, this age group is very difficult to cater for, so some rides may not be suitable for your individual child. Please feel free to peruse the film clips for the individual rides or the larger image for a brief video of all the rides put together. We hope that you will find this site both enjoyable and informative and look forward to seeing you at Adventureland in the very near future.

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Web site designed and built by Sean Tang, Colin Williams, Matthew Wilshaw