Map of Mini Adventure for the 5 to 10 year olds
Map of Egg Land for the Under 5's
Entrance to Adventureland giving park details
Features and Events giving details of special events in Adventureland
Adventureland's Pool complex
Adventureland's Food, Drinks and Facilities complex
Giant Adventure World for the over 10s

Adventureland is a new theme park to Staffordshire. It is currently under construction and will be opening early 2011. As rides are completed pictures and videos will be updated to reflect the actual rides. Currently the site is based on simulations. The actual park will reflect closely the features that can be currently viewed. Please click on the section of the map that interests you to be taken to the relevant page. For your convenience and for users with slower internet connections we have supplied standard navigation at the top of each page.

All the pictures have been reduced in size and quality to cater for low band width users or users with slow internet connections. All pictures and videos can be expanded to full size by simply clicking on them.

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Web site designed and built by Sean Tang, Colin Williams, Matthew Wilshaw